In August 2022, along with many of our stakeholders, we celebrated the kick off event for the project Nature FIRST: Forensic Intelligence and Remote Sensing Technologies for nature conservation. As a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission, Nature FIRST will develop predictive, proactive and preventative tools for nature conservation for the next three years.
Stay tuned to learn more about how we combine forensic intelligence, remote sensing technologies and digital twins to protect and restore biodiversity in Europe and beyond. The tools we use are demonstrated in the following European regions:
The Carpathian mountains, a 1,500km-long range in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Danube Delta river, Europe's largest remaining natural wetland. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania and a small part of it is in Ukraine.
The Stara Planina mountains, a mountain range in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula.
And the Ancares y O Courel, the largest green reserve in Galicia, Spain.
Want to join our fight to protect these gorgeous landscapes and many more? Stay up to date with the project! Sign up to our newsletter, and find out how you can help.